This remedy is quite amazing and will benefit you in more ways than I can explain. It contains two simple ingredients that are fantastic for those who are suffering from diabetes.
One of these ingredients is celery which is known to stop sharp increases in blood sugar as well as protect your pancreas. This remedy will work wonders on your health.
Remedy for Diabetes
- Wash the celery and grate it.
- Put it in a pot and add the juice from the lemons.
- Cover the pot and put it in another pot full of water.
- Boil this until the large pot has reached its boiling point.
- Once it begins to boil reduce the heat and allow it to simmer at a lower temperature for one whole hour.
- Remove the pots from your stove and once the mixture has cooled properly transfer it into a jar.
- Close the jar and place it in your fridge.
- Eat two tablespoons of this every single morning on an empty stomach at least thirty minutes before breakfast.
This remedy is one of my favorites and is well worth it. Chances are you already have the ingredients in your kitchen, so why not give it a try? For a little information on the health benefits of celery please take the time to watch the video below.