How Big Pharma Censors Knowledge of Natural Healing (Video)

by Shelby

Big Pharma does everything they can to ensure we are sick and unhealthy. Without the corruption that comes with Big Pharma we would be cancer-free and happy.

Big Pharma spends all of their time silencing any natural treatment or cure. Listening to Mike Adams explain this is completely mind-blowing. Adams says that Big Pharma does not consider us complete human beings unless we are being injected with their drugs. In this interview from The Truth About Cancer between Milk Adams and Ty Bollinger, they go over just how censored natural medicine is in our current day and age.

We should be going to fruit and veggies as our primary medication and then seeking elsewhere as needed not the other way around. We should not be afraid to stimulate our immune system and make ourselves more healthy at home. Being dependent on drugs is ruining out society and keeping us sick, this is a means to control us and we should not stand for it.

To see exactly what Adams has to say please take the time to watch the interview in the video below. Natural medication is something we need to be aware of and share with our loved ones we are not going to get anywhere with chemotherapy and pill popping. Please pay close attention to what he has to say.

“We are spontaneous self-healing beings. We’re programmed from the day we’re born to heal ourselves if we give our bodies the right nutrients and don’t poison ourselves with dangerous toxins.”-Mike Adams.

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