As you know there is a remedy for everything, even eyesight. Have you ever heard of Vladimir Petrovich Filatov?
He is a doctor who back in the sixties worked with traditional and alternative medicine helping people with poor eyesight. He invented a recipe to help heal the eyes in every way possible. His recipe is quite effective and easy to follow.
Following this recipe can help prevent future eyesight loss as well as improving your eyesight in current times. Eyesight remedy:
Things needed:
- Lemon juice
- Walnuts (minced)
- Aloe juice
- Pure honey
- Prepare the aloe vera juice.
- Mix all of these things together. Quantities depend on how much you intend to make.
- Refrigerate
- Use this 30 minutes before eating at least three times a day. (eat it)
That’s it! It is that simple, why would you not try it? You have nothing to lose! Improve your eyesight today.