Petition to Cancel Cauldron Falls Bar and Grill “Pig Wresting” Contest

A hog wrestling team carries their pig to the center of the ring during the 28th annual Hog Wrestling Competition at Caldron Falls Bar in Twin Bridge, Wis., on July 20, 2013. Lukas Keapproth/Press Gazette Media

If I asked you what you thought of the idea of grown men tackling pigs and punching in the face, kicking and body slamming them for fun; what would you say? Well, this is exactly what is going to happen at the Cauldron Falls Bar and Grill in Northern Wisconsin if we don’t collectively take action.

This is a form of illegal animal fighting known as “pig wrestling.” These type of events are horrible at “alcohol-free” tournaments, can you just imagine how much worst it will get at an alcohol-fueled event?

This form of activity is a felony level offense, Wis. Stat. 951.02 and 951.08. The event is scheduled to happen on July 23, 2016 unless action is taken.

Please sign and share the petition, and Like Global Conservation Group on Facebook to stay up to date on the campaign.

You can also politely call and email the subjects below, urging them to cancel the event.

Caldron Falls Bar & Grill: 715-757-3467

Marinette County State’s Attorney: 715-732-7490 and allen.brey@da.wi.gove

Marinette County Sheriff’s Department: 715-732-7607

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