6 Telling Signs The Spirit World Is Trying To Contact You

Beautiful woman in the mirror reflected the smiles magically in retro interior

We have all experienced some sort of paranormal experience at some point or another. Although you think it was a ghost, it might have actually been your spirit guide trying to help you.

Have you ever felt like you were being watched, felt a sudden temperature change in a room, or had inanimate objects move? Don’t be frightened; it might be your spirit guide. Spirit guides are spiritual beings that watch over our spirits and try and guide us when they have the opportunity. If you are feeling like you are stuck in between a rock and a hard place then it is likely you might be experiencing these things. These 3 things are telling signs that your spirit guide is trying to lead you to a certain path.

Feeling a Presence – If you feel as if you are being watched, then this is a major indicator. It happens more often than we think too. This is often a sign of a deceased loved one watching out for you, or keeping up with what you are doing. Feeling a presence in the room with you is a clear sign that they are trying to contact you.

Hearing Your Name – Have you ever been walking somewhere, in public perhaps, and hear your name very blatantly called out? Perhaps even more than once. It usually catches your attention immediately, as intended. Your spirit guide is trying to get your attention! Open yourself up to the spiritual world and see if you can make contact.

Vivid Dreams or Memories – Although it is normal to dream, you may be experiencing abnormal dreams. They are extremely vivid, and you remember them very well. It is almost as real as what is right in front of you. This can also happen with memories. If you have sudden memories, but can’t exactly place where they came from, then this is a key indicator your spirit guide is trying to contact you.

Enhanced Senses – can you suddenly hear, smell, and see better? There might be a period of ten seconds that your senses are enhanced extremely. It feels as if you move they will go away, and it’s almost like a daydream. If you have experienced this before, then it’s a telling sign that you’re on the right track.

Electronics Acting Odd – you might have entered a room to witness a TV turning on by itself or switching to a static channel. This is a huge sign that the spiritual world is trying to contact you. Because the spirit world travel among frequencies it might disrupt some electronics.

You just Know – sometimes you just know when the spirit world is trying to contact you. We have guardian spirits that tell us when we are headed onto the wrong path, or they might be sending signs saying that you’re on the right path.

There are many different reasons the spirit world might be trying to contact you. Our guardian angels will give us hints all throughout life. You just have to pay attention to them!

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