Naturally Reverse Tooth Decay with These Steps

A lot of people believe that when tooth decay begins it is irreversible but that is not entirely true. If you are dealing with cavities you might be able to reverse them without going to the dentist.

Science has proven time and time again that by changing our diet we can reverse tooth decay and get rid of cavities. Yes, that means you don’t have to go through having your tooth drilled out and sealed with synthetic material. Below you will find the steps you need to take to get rid of cavities without going to the dentist.

1. Cut out sugar.

If you are dealing with tooth decay or cavities you need to avoid sugar at all costs. Stay away from things like soda, candy, sugary foods, and baked goods.

2. Always brush your teeth.

Homemade toothpaste is always better but regardless you need to maintain your oral health. Floss and brush every day and always be on the lookout for fluoride. (Fluoride should always be avoided.)

3. Start oil pulling.

Swish coconut oil around in your mouth for at least five minutes a day. (Slowly work your way up to twenty minutes.) Spit the oil out when done and rinse with warm water.

You will also need to eat more nutritious foods as often as possible. This will help protect your teeth. Ingest more calcium and things like garlic as well as turmeric. When it comes to your dental health these small things can make a world of a difference. For more information on oil pulling please take the time to watch the video below.


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