Our kidneys are responsible for a whole lot of important things that go on inside our bodies. Without them, we would not be able to function properly.
You see, If your kidneys for some reason become unable to function your body will no longer be able to get rid of excess fluids and you will become swollen and bloated. This is a major issue that if left alone could be life threatening. Our kidneys are responsible for cleansing, detoxing, and filtering about 150 quarts of blood each and every day. Kidney failure WILL kill you.
1. Dizziness
If you become dizzy it could be a sign of anemia or kidney failure. This is because the oxygen flow to your brain has become strained making you lightheaded and such.
2. Trouble Concentrating
This is also because of the lack of oxygen when it comes to kidney failure. It can appear in the form of trouble remembering things as well.
3. Metallic Taste
The waste building up in your blood will change the way your taste buds will react to things. This has been known to make lots of things taste like metal in a sense.
4. Pain
If you experience pain in the upper back this could mean you are having an issue with your kidneys.
5. Shortness of Breath
If the body is not getting enough oxygen it is because of the low number of red blood cells that work to deliver oxygen to all the parts of the body.
6. Skin Rashes
As the waste piles up inside you, it will make your skin look and feel unhealthy, to say the least.
7. Fatigue
If the red blood cell number is lowered because of a kidney issue then fatigue will occur. It will have an impact on your brain and muscles. This is because of the lack of erythropoietin.
8. Swelling
As mentioned above if you cannot get rid of excess fluids you will become bloated and swollen.
9. Changes in Urine
You may experience trouble urinating, pressure while going, dark urine, or foamy urine.
10. Constant Thirst
If you are always thirsty and cannot seem to quench it, you could very well be dealing with kidney damage.
When it comes to reversing the damage that has been done to our kidneys if we catch the issue in time we can get things done by simply changing our diet. You will need to restrict protein, drink pure clean water, and restrict your intake of fructose. When it comes to things like this you should always go the extra mile to make sure you are maintaining your health properly.
For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below. If you pay attention to the signs and get things done when you notice an issue you should be just fine. Stay healthy!