How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything

When people are thinking about getting healthier, they usually bring up the idea of going walking or running. For good reason too – walking for just 15 minutes a day can change your whole body.

With all of the technological advances in the modern day society, most of our jobs consist of sitting at a desk for 5 or 6 hours a day – Sometimes even more. While we can’t change the way we work, we can change what we do in our free time. Studies show that walking can seriously increase your overall health. It can even change your body completely!


Several studies were performed on this subject. A lot of them were performed by the University Hospital of Saint-Etienne, the University of Lyon, the University Hospital of Dijon, the Regional Center for Cancer Prevention and Jean Monnet University in France. According to one study, over people over the age of 60 need to start walking at least 15 minutes a day!

According to the study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, people aged 60 and over who did just 15 minutes of exercise daily and they reduced their risk of dying early by 22%, compared with people who did not exercise at all. A 15-minute daily walk ‘will help you live longer! Some of the long term effects of walking 15 minutes every day include:

  • It helps us lose weight
  • Waking boosts vitamin D
  • It relives pain
  • Walking improves our mood
  • Walking improves our cardiovascular functions.
  • Helps us prevent diabetes
  • Helps us prevent colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer

So what are you waiting for!? Let’s get walking!

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