Full List Of Illegal Cancer Causing Shampoos! Is Your Shampoo On The List?!

Many people do not worry about something as innocent as Shampoo, but new evidence suggests that you should! Is your shampoo giving you cancer?

A study on shampoos and soaps that has been done by the Center for Environmental Health has discovered that over 98 of the products they tested contained potential carcinogen one known as cocamide diethanolamine (Cocamide DEA). This could potentially give tons of people all over the world cancer!

These products included shampoos by Palmolive, Colgate, Paul Mitchell and so many others! These shampoos are even in violation of California Laws! The study stated that most of the products containing cocamide DEA were intended for children and even had a fake organic label!

This is ridiculous and should be put to an end! Consumers need to know that they could be dousing themselves with cancer-causing chemicals every night before bed! While most think these products are being tested for our safety. often times things like this are completly overlooked or are not tested at all.

This study found this chemical in shampoos in many of the places that you and I might shop. Places like Walmart, Kohl’s, Babies R Us, and Kmart.

Here are just some of the brands mentioned:


With all of these out there poisoning out scalps why not make your own shampoo? It’s easy!

Homemade Shampoo

  • 1 cup of castile soap
  • 4 teaspoons of almond oil
  • 20 drops of whatever essential oils you’d like
  • 1 cup of coconut milk

How to:

Mix all of these ingredients together and pour them into a bottle. There you have it a toxin-free shampoo!

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