10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics and Their Benefits to Health!

Many of us are on the search for natural alternatives in a world that is becoming increasingly aware of the side effects of many modern medications. While there are several serious and potentially life threatening infections that should still be handled with medical antibiotics, many smaller ailments can be treated naturally. We have compiled a list of powerful natural antibiotics that can be found on your shelves at home.


  1. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has many beneficial uses including boosting the immune system, as well as balancing cholesterol, blood sugar and thyroid levels.

On top of the above listed uses, extra virgin coconut oi has also been shown to improve brain function. This well-known natural choice has both anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

  1. Green Tea

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning, reduce the risks of cancer, improve brain function, kill bacteria and lower the risk for Alzheimer’s.

Green tea has been long recognized for its many benefits. First created by the Chinese community as a medicine, it is effective in preventing bacteria from multiplying.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Cayenne is an effective option for treatment of strep throat.

Scientific studies have been conducted examining the antibiotic properties of Cayenne pepper, also known as Capsicum. This strong spice has been used as a natural antibiotic for thousands of years.

  1. Turmeric


Uses: Turmeric helps to fight against cancer, diabetes, arthritis and depression.

Adding this Asian spice to your diet helps in the prevention of several diseases, and improves your overall wellness. Scientists continue to study the amazing prevention and healing effects that this spice contains.

  1. Oil of Oregano


Uses: Oil of Oregano can be used for many antibiotic needs including fighting the common cold, respiratory problems, digestion issues and the treatment of wounds.

Containing anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties all in one natural treatment, oil of oregano is an powerful addition to your go to list of natural alternatives! It not only works to take care of pathogenic bacteria in your system, but is able to do so without disrupting the beneficial bacteria that your body requires to continue to function regularly.

  1. Manuka Honey


Uses: Manuka Honey acts as an immune system booster. If you mix the honey with cinnamon, it will also work to strengthen your white blood cells.

While all forms of honey are known for their ability to fight bacteria, scientific studies have shown that Manuka honey contains the highest concentration of antioxidants. Honey is a great antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-microbial.

  1. Cranberries


Uses: Cranberries work to prevent and treat urinary tract infections.

Cranberries contain a compound that prevents the E-Coli bacteria from being able to take hold within the urinary tract. This is equally effective whether you are choosing to ingest a concentrated extract of cranberries, or undiluted cranberry juice.

  1. Fermented Foods


Uses: Fermented foods work to maintain balance in the intestines.

Fermented foods are recognized for their ability to promote gut health. Some great examples include sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, yogurt and raw pickles.

  1. Ginger


Uses: Ginger works to fight diabetes, heart diseases, bacterial infections and indigestion.

Ginger is a powerful tool to fight against food poisoning, as it has an antibiotic effect against food borne pathogens including salmonella, listeria and campylobacter.

  1. Garlic


Uses: Garlic can cure serious infections and colds

Garlic contains several vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals meaning that it is beneficial to your overall healthy, while also having healing properties. It is both an anti-fungal and antiviral, and it contains a powerful anti-bacterial compound called Allicin.

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